Spark the Spirit Productions
A safe place to explore
spiritual experience
Dr. Margot McKinnon (PhD)
Private Session: Are your Spirit and Soul dimensions waking up, making you feel that there is something more for you to do? But, what is it? $225.00 (CDN) an hour + 5% GST
Ask the Universe Monthly Meetup
Three online interactive groups that explore spiritual questions and experiences $345 (CDN) + 5% GST for an annual membership.
Live Online Lessons: New 7-Part series begins January 2025. Stilling the Noise to Hear The Voice. The Universe/God/ Creator is so polite. It does not interfere in your life unless you ask. Learn how to connect and communicate your deepest desires for the life your Spirit and Soul want to experience. $375 CDN for the whole series.
A Guide to Elevating Your
5 Dimensions of Self
Book: $28.95 + Mailing
There is more waiting for you in the Ether.
Our Spirit came to Earth with a Great Expectation for its life but hardships and challenges can chip away until we have forgotten why we came here.
Learn to re-connect with the White Light from where you came and get your life back on course.
The 5 Dimensions system is a 'this just makes sense' approach to making the most of your time here on Earth.
Latest Podcast Next Level Soul in-person interview with Alex Ferrari​
New 2025 Dates Set
Stilling the Noise To Hear The Voice
Question to Ask the Universe
What is the resistance in me that is blocking me from reaching my next level?
Chat to the Universe, write down the answers you get.

We are working on building a community with you in it.
We know that a Mind/Body world is limited.
The Spirit, Soul, and Oneness dimensions add a richness to life and we want more of it.
We are here ready to help you process and integrate your spiritual experience into something with meaning and purpose.
We can help you tap into your spiritual side if your Mind Dominant lifestyle has withered it away.
Together, we can build Spirit Dominant Leadership skills so that we have a better world to live in.
Our results defy logic
What is our community saying?
We put you on the recommended speakers' list for Alberta Teachers' Association conventions.
Margot's workshop was both enchanting and educational. At the Canadian Mental Health Association,-Calgary- we continue to ensure that people can feel a sense of connection, belonging and hope. Margot's workshop helped to further connect the dots. Let's say she speaks 'our language'.
Alberta Teachers' Association
Canadian Mental Health Association: Calgary
Your book is my new roadmap to life!
Larry Gompff
Weight and Fitness Instructor for Seniors
See what others have to say on other pages . . .
I want to express my gratitude for everything you have taught me over the last 4 years. Your model and theory, your teaching practices, standing in your power, the way you deal with toxic people and your confidence are all qualities I admire. You are my mentor and I want to thank you most for giving me permission to enjoy life, have elegance and to know that I deserve a life that my spirit wants me to live. I am done with the hard lessons. My life is easy. I'm shedding my old "snake" skin and becoming the true confident person that I am. Thank you! Love you!
Sarah Melo